Exhibition: Observatory

Posted: March 16th, 2022 | Author: | Filed under: exhibition, mfa-thesis, portals, Unknowing, winter | No Comments »

Observatory exhibition, Tahoe Gallery, Sierra Nevada University, Nevada
January 2022
Mary Jeys and Sarah Logan

The work presented in Observatory was the first version of presenting from the archive of collected livestream videos. I presented a burning candle at a window at sunset on a TV monitor, a pot of water going from cold-poured to boiling on an iPad, and myself and my own watching and waiting on an iPhone. I installed a dorm room to call to the visitor’s mind and body an experience of watching and waiting at a networked happening in a site-specific sleeping quarters. I chose to perform toasting bread as an everyday activity that shifts bread or stale bread to palatable toast.

The work was available not only in the gallery, but also on Twitch whose daily active users spend an average of 95 minutes watching streamers stay at their camera for over 8 hours in any given day. The opportunity that I saw was to introduce my own artistic play into a place of durational long watching that might offer an introspective offering that could invite a togetherness across the experience of our screens.

I view this work as an invitation to consider our position of solo screen time as both a site of unknowing or otherspace that can invite or provoke emotional conditions for change within the visitor and to point to the place of online engagement as instructive in our solitude.

Untitled Portal, Candle
Video of recorded livestream, video monitor
Livestreamed October 18, 2021 TRT: 02:34:37

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Open the Gate: Livestreaming Portals to Unknowing

Posted: November 8th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: exhibition, fall, installation, mfa-thesis, works in progress | Tags: , , , | No Comments »

You are invited to join me on the internet as I produce Open the Gate: Livestreaming Portals to Unknowing this fall, for my MFA Thesis with Sierra Nevada University’s MFA program in Interdisciplinary Art program.

For this project, I am working with live internet time. Ever since we were forced by health and safety guidelines to stay at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and many workplaces became our homes we lived our lives evermore in front of our screens. This work was developed exclusively considering the meaning in this context. I have created programming for live-streaming on my Twitch channel towards unknowing each day through December 5th as follows:

Monday: Burning
Tuesday: Moving
Wednesday: Day Shifting
Thursday: Evaporating
Saturday: Glitching
Sunday: Rehearsing

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